Daily Archives: September 14, 2010

Kale: A Serious Story

I have a problem with exclamation points. I use them excessively. I believe it’s because I spend a great deal of time on Facebook and G-chat (my job is not engaging, don’t judge me), and somehow lots of exclamation points seems acceptable, even encouraged. It’s gotten to the point that when people don’t use exclamation points when I’m communicating with them in writing (email, text, g-chat), I’m convinced they’re secretly angry or plotting against me. So, in order to overcome this problem, I’m posting about a very serious subject where exclamation points have no place. I’m posting about kale.

I had never had kale until a year or so ago. I ate a lot of spinach growing up. But other leafy greens were somehow not in my repertoire. I’m sure my mom forced them onto me and I complained so loudly and frequently, as I am apt to do, that she gave up. But a few years ago kale entered my life.

And not in the form of a bikini (what?! why?!):

Back to seriousness. Kale is awesome. It is a nutritional powerhouse – a good source of beta carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C, lutein, zeaxanthin, calcium, and potassium. It’s a great source of fiber.

Kale made a comeback during World War II during the “Dig for Victory” campaign. It was easy to grow and nutrient rich, as you can see above. It disappeared for a while because like cabbage, it can get kind of metallic and mushy when boiled. But recently, it’s back and better than ever.

I have had kale in many ways:

Kale Chips – I have made them with curly kale, russian kale, and Lacinato kale (an heirloom variety)

Kale with red potatoes and avocado – This recipe is how I was introduced to kale. It is AWESOME, easy to make, and delicious.

Raw Slaw with Kale – again, this became an instant favorite.

Most recently, I LOVE kale raw in salads. Here is a photo montage for your viewing pleasure.

Raw kale salad with a veggie burger.

Raw kale salad with hummus and tomato on toast.

Raw kale salad with a veggie burger with savory oats.

This is what I do:

  • Tear up kale into bite size pieces.
  • Combine 1/2 tablespoon olive oil, tablespoon vinegar, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes.
  • Toss to coat.

Recently I have seen some posts about “massaging” kale with olive oil and vinegar and then dressing. I tried it, but found it wasn’t necessary. I like the crunch of raw kale.

So there you go. A very serious post about the awesomeness of kale with only 2 very  necessary exclamation points.